Home > Winter Youth Basketball - 2024/2025 PRACTICES > 6th Grade Boys > FHUNT2 (Ayers)

Fieldhouse USA Mansfield

Winter Youth Basketball - 2024/2025 PRACTICES - 6th Grade Boys

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Schedule: 6th Grade Boys Team: FHUNT2 (Ayers)
Modified: Practice: Playoff:
Event IDDateTimeDayLocationTeams M P
1305013311/24/20245:00 PMSunFieldHouse Mansfield / B03BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
1305013212/3/20247:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
1305002112/6/20247:00 PMFriFieldHouse Mansfield / B05AFHUNT2 (Ayers)
1305003212/10/20247:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
1305004312/17/20247:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
1305004412/31/20247:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
130500551/7/20257:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
130500661/14/20257:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
130500871/28/20257:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
130500982/4/20257:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)
130501092/11/20257:00 PMTueFieldHouse Mansfield / B02BFHUNT2 (Ayers)